瓷質法鑽石及CBN研磨砂輪 Vitrified Diamond & Grinding Wheels | | 電鑄法研磨砂輪 Electroplated Grinding Wheels |
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瓷質法鑽石及CBN砂輪具優異切削能力及氣孔設計可減低研磨時產生的熱量對工作物的傷害,適合於難研磨材及高精密要求之研磨加工需求使用。 Vitrified bonded wheels has superior cutting ability to prevent thermal damage, so as to help users overcome increasing difficulties of grinding super hard alloy and material to obtain consisteent accuracy. | | 電鑄法研磨砂輪磨料顆粒突出具優異切削力表現並可滿足客戶對各種砂輪形緣之需求。 Electroplated wheels have featured high abrasives protrusion leading to high removal rate to match customers' meeds for efficiency and complicate profiling. |
內徑研磨砂輪 Internal Grinding Wheels | | 精密鑽石成形輥輪 |
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瓷質法及樹脂法鑽石、CBN內徑研磨輪適用於各式模具及汽車零件之內徑精密加工用。 Vitrified and resin bonded wheels are best candidated for molds and auto parts internal grinding. | | T 0.000.A | 標準孔徑 | // 0.002 | + 0.005 μ m | © 0.002 | - 0.000 μ m | |