
吉德特智能科技(苏州)有限公司 免费

简介:吉德特智能科技(苏州)有限公司是一家专注于数控机床的研发、制造、销售的集团公司,公司位于风景秀丽人文关怀之地苏州常熟市,公司主?????营智能化设备的研发和制造,数控机床的设计与制造及配套智能化机器人生产线。二期工厂筹备建设中,将在两年时间阶梯性投入15000万元,以满足数控市场的广大需求。 公司现有立式加工中心、龙门加工中心、高速钻攻机、高速高光雕铣机等产品,经过多年的进口机生产技术积累以及品质上的严格把控,产品的质与量得到*提升。为发展“中国制造2025”:我公司已经在高速模具机、五轴加工机、车铣复合机等几个方面整合资源,努力创新,提高机床高精化,以满足客户更的需求。 公司不仅拥有完善的、规模化的产品装配、检测生产等,而且拥有一大批技术水平高、工程化实践经验丰富的技术带头人和研究开发人员。目前公司已申请“江苏省*”,获得11项“计算机软件著作权登记证书”、多件实用新型和发明等。不断努力专注于新产品的研发、实验。公司非常注重引进、培养各类人才,保持研发团队的活力和研发活动的持续性。 公司坚持“技术、科学管理、持续精进、客户满意”的生存发展宗旨! 在全国各地设有服务和配套的技术服务人员,为广大客户提供可靠的售前售中售后服务。我们愿与客户:真诚合作!协同发展!共创未来!
Get-Tec Intelligent Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is a group company focusing on the R&D, manufacturing and sales of high-end CNC machine tools.Company is located in Changshu City, Suzhou, a beautiful place of human care. The company is mainly engaged in the R&D and manufacturing of intelligentequipment, the design and manufacturing of CNC machine tools and the production of supporting intelligent robots Line. In the preparation and construction of the second phase of the plant, 150 million yuan will be invested step by step in two years to meet the needs of the high-end CNC market. The company has vertical machining center, gantry machining center, high-speed drilling and tapping machine, high-speed high-light carving and milling machine and other products. After years of production technology accumulation and strict quality control of imported machines, the quality and quantity of products have been greatly improved. In order to develop "made in China 2025": our company has integrated resources in high-speed mold machine, five axis machining machine, turning milling compound machine and other aspects, made efforts to innovate and improve the high-end and high-precision machine tools to meet the higher demand of customers. At present, the company has applied for "Jiangsu High-tech Enterprise" and obtained one "Computer software copyright Registration certificate" and several utility model patents and invention patents. Constantly strive to focus on the research and development of new products, experiments. The company attaches great importance to the introduction and training of various talents to maintain the vitality of the R&D team and the continuity of r&d activities. The company adheres to the survival and development tenet of "leading technology, scientific management, continuous improvement and customer satisfaction". It has service and supporting technical service personnel all over the country to provide customers with reliable pre-sale, in-sale and after-sale services.We are willing to cooperate with customers sincerely! Coordinated development! Create the future together?! 查看详细


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