
上海万赞五金工具有限公司 免费

简介:  上海万赞五金工具有限公司(原上海联佑五金工具有限公司)母公司成立于2001年,座落于的上海安亭镇大众汽车工业园区旁,专业从事弹簧夹头、钨钢弹性筒夹、钨钢导套及进口精密机械高精度夹头等多元化夹头系列,以满足各类用户不同需求。公司经十几年的发展沉淀,使得我们在同行中成为颇具影响的精干企业,产品远销国外。亦成为国内各厂家替代进口产品的*。本公司一直坚持“质量,真诚守信”的原则服务于社会。由于制造技术精良,生产效率高,使得本公司成为机床配件界的*。目前,本公司的品质已居同行Z佳之林,致力打造中国机床配件制造业的品牌。

  Shanghai Wan Chan Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. formerly Shanghai Alliance woo Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. was established in 2001 the parent company, is located in the famous Shanghai Anting town park next to the Volkswagen Automotive, specializing in collet, tungsten steel Collet , tungsten steel bushings and imported precision machinery and other diversified precision chuck chuck series, in order to meet the different needs of various users. After ten years of development the company precipitation, allows us to become influential in the peer a lean enterprise, the products are exported to foreign countries. Domestic manufacturers has become the first choice to replace imported products. The company has always insisted "quality first, honest and trustworthy" principle of service to society. As sophisticated manufacturing technology, high production efficiency, making the company become a machine tool accessories industry rising star. Currently, the Company has been ranked the quality of the best forest counterparts, to build China's first brand of machine tool accessories manufacturing.


1汤冰 45% 13.5万元 2012-07-20
2董加宝 45% 13.5万元 2012-07-20
3杜翔 10% 3万元 2012-07-20
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