·本机床一改传统机械剪板机的传动形式,是目前国内外一致*的的小型剪板机之一。该机吸取*技术,采用电磁式盘形制动装置,其传动方式由电机带动装有减速器的轴动转,受选择性脚踏开关的控制呈瞬时接合,较小的剪切角度倾斜的剪切方向盘,使加工件的弯曲变形降低到限度。刀片间隙的调整采用手动快调装置,能非常简便地获得满意的刀片间隙。是金属非金属板材理想的加工剪裁切设备。Convincing arguments: quality, efficiency and price
.This machine is different from the traditional driving methond of mechanica shearers, its one of the most davanced miniture mechanical shearers and enjoys good reputation both at bome and abroad.A breke motor driving through a shaft mouted speed reduction unit and controlled by as delector switch for single or continuous strokes pornides quite instantaneousing agemint. The low cutting angle and inclined shearing direction reduces bowing and twist to a minimum.
Blade clearance is easily set by a manually operated "Quickset"
device, its an ideal truecut machining equipment of sheet metal and nonferrous sheet metal.