时间:2017-10-17 阅读:520
中国进出口商品交易会即广州交易会,简称广交会,英文名为Canton fair。 苏州宝玛摊位号:1.1B27,B28 广交会历经61年改革创新发展,经受各种严峻考验从未中断,加强了中国与世界的贸易往来,展示了中国形象和发展成就,是中国企业开拓市场的平台,是贯彻实施我国外贸发展战略的引导示范基地。已成为中国外贸*促进平台,是中国外贸的晴雨表和风向标,是中国对外开放的窗口、缩影和标志。 苏州宝玛将于2017年10月15日~19日参加了第122届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)。本次展出的产品有: 1.的C型智能电火花线切割机床(DK7732C-CT配置的BMW-5000型控制柜,多项的双向智能紧丝系统), 2.全数控电火花穿孔机(BMD703-400CNC), 3.电火花成型机(EDM350ZNC)。 此次参展C型智能线切割机床,代表了目前行业*的,性能zui高的线切割机床,zui大切割效率可以达到250MM2/MIN,丝耗可以达到50万平方一丝。其中主要的装置,新型高频系统的BMW-5000型控制柜,和双向自动紧丝系统,都是产品。 SUZHOU BAOMA BOOTH NO: HALL1.1 BOOTH B27,B28 China Import and Export Fair, also known as the “Canton Fair”, is established in 1957. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of PRC and the People’s Government of Guangdong Province and organized by China Foreign Trade Centre, it is held every spring and autumn in Guangzhou, China. Canton Fair is a comprehensive international trading event with the longest history, the largest scale, the most complete exhibit variety, the largest buyer attendance, the broadest distribution of buyers’ source country and the greatest business turnover in China. New designed EDM WIRE CUT MACHINE DK7732C-CT with BMW-5000 controller. |
New designed CNC DRILL MACHINE BMD703-400CNC